Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Holly Holly Blog Bingo

Just thought I'd spread the word about this, for anyone still reading my blog!  Deadline to enter is Midnight tomorrow, sorry about the rush notice, but I do post about anything I find within time!  Click the above link to head on over and read about how to enter.

Also....whilst I have your attention, I've been a bit quiet with posts lately, because a few weeks ago, I discovered that we're moving's to a nice 5 bedroomed house about a 2 - 2 & 1/2 hour drive away....but if you could see how much 'crap' I've accumulated over the years, you'd know why I haven't been blogging much.  I still have alot left to pack, but some rooms are now done and I can't wait to get unpacked at the other end and start sewing again, I'm already having withdrawal symptoms!

If I don't manage to get packed & unpacked, and the internet sorted out in time, I want to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and an even happier new year for 2011 and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.



  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too Naomi! Where are you moving to? the Riverland??
    Best of luck where ever it is xx


I love reading all your comments and will try to respond to each and every one.