Some how, somewhere, I've managed to lose the following things, if you see them, please kick their butts and send them back to me please:
- My get up and up and went a few weeks ago, and hasn't come home since
- About 3 or 4 weeks of sewing time...few reasons this occurred, but now am soooo far behind it's just not funny
- My elusive lottery win....29th December is a good return date (Our next big lottery in Australia....would be so nice to win even a share, not greedy enough to want it all.....although...hmmmmm, no Naomi, greed is not good)
Moving along, I signed up for an Advent swap this year, my first one, so hopefully my swap partner isn't too disappointed with what I sent her....and I'll have to wait for a pic from her, because I sent mine late, and she had to play catch up yesterday of opening up the first 5 days....and as I wasn't feeling very well yesterday...I didn't actually start opening mine till today. So, here's what was inside the Express Post bag she sent to me.
Now my dear Mum always used to tell me that if I guessed what one of my presents was, I wasn't allowed to have it....but with #25 from Kaz....all I'll say is, I believe we both had the same idea for that gift, just I had to re-think mine almost at the last minute, so didn't do one! You'll have to wait for Christmas Day to find out what it was though as I'm a good girl (hey, don't knock it, or mock me, I'm usually evil!)
So, today I got to open not one, not two, but 6 packages....oh what fun I had trying to pace myself so I could stop and take pics of each one before unwrapping the next lol
Day 1. Coffee mug and an assortment of tea bags....yummmm
Day 2. A packet of Dark Choccy Tim Tams...oh oh, she said everything edible was healthy and good for me....although the Tim Tams are Dark Chocolate ones, but I think the healthy part is only if you eat one....who eats just one Tim Tam? lol
Day 3. Reel of red ribbon
Day 4. A Cute Rabbit phone charm, bag dangle, nawww, it's soooo cute hey?
Day 5. Some trimmings and some Hersheys it sad that I never tried these when I went to USA, yet I knew what they were, straight away, without reading the little tags on them? lol
Day 6. The last one I could legally open today.....A great Cross Stitch Book...there's heaps and heaps in here to stitch!
Thank you so much thus far Kaz., hope you like your gifts.
Come back tomorrow to see what Day 7 is.