She is a good baby and ever so pretty, so we'll keep her lol I know it took me a while to put the pic up, but I wanted to wait till I knew everything was ok first.
As she's so tiny, I wanted to make her a little dress that would fit her, so I made her one of those cross over pinafore jobbies! Here it is:
For most of you who know me, you will know I profess to NOT doing clothes, however, how could I resist, and I'd had this Birdie fabric obviously in preparation for Justice's arrival. I did plan on making a quilt with it, but I think it looks quite cute as a dress, don't ya think?
I'm off on Monday to spend some time with her, her big sister TaShie and her Mum n Dad....back on 12th Feb...but will try and post some pics of my 3 gorgeous girls while I'm away.
Due to me going away, and trying to get everything ready, and dealing with the heatwaves we've been having here of late, I haven't organised/made anything for my Birthday (in 21 days!) this year, so it might be a little late....or maybe I'll be able to quickly rustle something up between now and Monday so I can pop it on the stay tuned....that's if anyone still reads my blog.
For those experiencing the Polar Vortex, stay safe and warm, and for those in my neck of the woods, drink plenty of water, stay cool and keep an eye on kids, oldies and pets....for they can suffer so badly in this weather.