Ok, I'm hoping to get a bit of feedback now....in Khris's C-R-A-F-T group (see links in sidebar somewhere!) we've all been commenting on how much postage is costing us for all the swaps....it's insipid (I'll have just done my Auntie Suzie proud using her favourite word!) how much they charge us to mail our swaps isn't it?
I can understand them charging more for snail mail letters, because the postal services lose big time since the internet and emailing has become so prevalent.....but, and I mean BUT by the same token, auction sites, blogs and groups have increased the amount of parcel posts being done.....recently Khris sent a parcel to Italy that weighed under 1.5kg (around 3lb's in the old money!) and it cost $52....heck she could've sent so much more in her package if the postage was't so high, and I know Khris, she wouldn't have skimped on the swap in the first place.....but I bet there's alot of future swaps that people will sit out of because the postage kills the fun of the swap.
Maybe we should all pick a day, and we should all boycott mailing anything on that day.....and get everyone we know to try and not (unless extremely necessary as is employers getting crabby) mail stuff off that day either...and see what difference we can make.
In Khris's group, we also do birthday squishies, of which there's about 15 or so of us who mail off at least one squishie a month...some months are more, but that's at least 12 a year..plus any swaps we do, and swaps we join in elsewhere on the net.....and any cash we could be spending on feeding our craft addiction goes to the postal companies in our respective countries....so what do you say? You up for joining in on the boycott? Please feel free to link to this post on your blog and lets see how many people we can get to join in on the boycott.
Ok with all that whinging out the way, I noticed when I signed in to do this post, that I'm only about 12 posts away from my 50th post.....so I'm announcing that for my 50th post, I'll organise a surprise give away....and might even start getting things together for it soon.....I'll add stuff for x amount of followers, and x amount of comments.......and then will use random.org or an independant person to draw a name out as winner....so keep that in mind if you come read the above part of the post. Once we've decided on a date for the boycott.....I can tell you in advance, that if that date coincides with my 50th post giveaway, mailing of it will be delayed for a day! lol Wouldn't help if I try and organise a postage boycott and then go and break it would it? lol