A couple of years ago, well 43 to be precise, I was born into this crazy crafty world....one day I'll try and grow up, but until then, I'm afraid you'll just have to tolerate this dag and her warped sense of humour.
I was born at 2.20 a.m. on February 22nd, 1968.
Today, well actually yesterday now, (due to the fact that our internet is soooooooo slow, I started uploading this post and all the pics on 21st February, but it's now 22nd February!) after being an info session/meeting for the Housing Co-op we are a part of (well almost, we've submitted our applications to become members, and are currently on 'probation'..lol) we came home to find Barry, our postal parcel man, had left not one, not two, but three parcels at the front door (between the two doors, so unless someone walked up there, you wouldn't know they were there!) and guess what? They were all for me.....YAY, I do love to get parcels!
I opened them in no specific order, and was in too much of a rush of excitement to do my usual slowly slowly photograph of each stage of the parcel unwrapping, sorry. First cab off the rank, was my
Generosity Project gift from

Above are pics of the fantastic notebook, selvedge cover for it, and a PURPLE pen, which you can't really see as I quickly put it into it's holder once I unwrapped it! Didn't
Marilyn do a lovely job of it? Thanks heaps
Whilst on the subject of the Generosity Project, I still have 2 spots left to fill on mine, and only 3 months to find people to fill them......please click
Here, if you'd like to read about it, and perhaps sign up for it.

I got a freezer bag full of embroidery threads from my friend
Mardi after I spoke with her on the phone a couple of weeks ago, and mentioned that I now have my Mums' embroidery machine....but no embroidery threads were with it :o( Knowing it was my birthday soon, she sent me a little 'care package' of embroidery threads.

Would you just take a look at this variety of great colours....especially seens as though she even put some purple ones in just for me! She mentioned that she didn't have alot of purples to share, but having said that, she still shared some of what she had....awwww wasn't that sweet of her?

A close up of the netting stuff
Mardi also sent...you put it over the reels of thread to stop them from unravelling and getting knotted up.
Thanks heaps
Mardi xxx

Recently, I signed up for a Mug Rug Swap, hosted by
Quilting Gallery dot com, and here's a pic of everything I received from my swap partner,
Barbara, from Nyack, NY, all wrapped up...there were mug rugs, buttons, stickers, an owl cosmetic mirror holder kit, felt owl stickies & fabric...I don't think I forgot anything.....ooops if I did!

Front of the hooty mug rug.

Back of the hooty mug rug.

Front of the purple crazy patchwork mug rug.

Back of the purple mug rug.

Regular readers of my blog will know, I have issues with getting good pics...one day I'll work it all out, but until then, pics like the one above, will have to do.....in it you should be able to see the 'hooty hoard' I received along with my 2 mug rugs....bear in mind, the mug rugs were the only required items, the rest was a massive bonus on my behalf.

A close up of the "Hooty" fabric that
Barbara sent me, as 'extras' in the
Mug Rug Swap. How cute is that???? I love the one on the right, as I don't have any of it in my wee hooty stash of fabrics, but the middle one and the one on the left....I have not seen before and I just love it.....might have to have a look around and see if I can find more of it, and if I can find it in any other colours, AND if there were any other fabrics in the collection.....AND then, and it's a really big AND, sell my kidneys, the dog and the cat and get me enough to make a huge quilt! Don't want much do I? lol
Thank you to
Barbara for sending me such sweet goodies, and also to Michelle from
QuiltingGallery.com for organising the swap.

I'm not quite sure how long ago it was that I originally came across
Purlbee's 'Purl Frog' tutorial, but just recently, a friend from Khristina's Yahoo group, C-R-A-F-T (link in my sidebar), bought it back to my attention! I decided it was time for me to make one, as I've just found out my niece loves frogs (hopefully she doesn't read my blog, as it's meant to be a surprise for her!) Anyhoo, I made her one, and when a friend came and stayed for a couple of days last week, she fell in love with Kaylenes' frog, so I made Sue her own one...hence the one pictured above, which was made from a vintage sheet I had near to me at the time! This pattern is VERY quick and easy to make....takes less than half an hour!