I participated in a Christmas in July swap with
Pat Brammer and finally I've managed to take pics and post them on here to show off my goodies. Before showing y'all the pics, here's a list of what I got, bear in mind we had to buy/make a gift for each of the letters in the word Christmas:
C = Coasters......with lovely Roosters/hens on and the backing fabric is fantastic too!
H = OMG this was a gorgeous quilted handbag
R = A 2 & 1/2 " square ruler
I = Iowa Cookbook - Some great recipes in there as well as some funny hints
S = A pair of purple (my fave colour) socks and a Jr slinky
T = A quilted table topper - my first one EVER, so thanks Pat.
M = Material....haven't measured it, but feels like a few yards and it's gorgeous
A = An Apron and an Angel button (Funny how we both did something 'Angelic' for A lol)
S = Surprise which was the gorgeous red and white quilt....and can you see it has an owl in the middle bottom row....YAY! Gotta love owls!

This pic shows you the whole hoard in the one pic...the next couple show close ups of all the goodies I got.

Thank you so much for being such a great swap partner Pat, I hope you liked what I sent you in return.
Hugs Naomi