As some of you may already know, I'm in a Yahoo group, called
C-R-A-F-T and this year, we changed over from sending out 2 x Fat Quarters to all the others that do the Birthday group....to everyone sends a defined amount of money to the Boss Lady (
Khristina) and she then arranges with the birthday girl what she wants done....usually a gift certificate for an online fabric store. Well, I'd won a gift voucher for
Fort Worth Fabric and asked if I could use my $'s in there.
Khris paypalled me my birthday money and I ordered a WHOLE heaps of fabric goodliness. The box arrived last week, and I've had to spend nearly a week drooling over the box, I'm surprised it hasn't fallen to pieces from being so damp....lol
Well today is the day that I age another year....so YIPPEE, I was allowed to unwrap it. Above is said 'box'. Below is a pic of what awaited me when I opened the lid.

Next is the first cellophane wrapped pressie I took out the box. Check it out....a Jelly Roll and 14 fat q's.

Isn't this next one yummy? 10 x 1/2 yard bundle of chocolate brown and pink, and chocolate brown and blue.....soooo delightful.

Don't forget package number 3 that was also in the box....that contains 4 yards of fabric I selected, and 2 freebies from Jodie (thanks hun) at FWFS

After further unwrapping, you can see my choices a wee bit better.

The token Moda label shot!

The haul in all it's fabric goodliness.

Close up of the yardage....hoot hoot, more hoot hoot, hearts, more hearts and a lovely lime green and paisley one.

So all in all, I'm a spoilt brat huh? Thanks to all the birthday girls from the
group.....I had SOOOOO much fun picking it all, thanks to
Khristina for co-ordinating it, and thanks to
Jodie for being so helpful.
Hugs and Happy Birthday to any other Feb 22 birthday-ites.