This is our new house, prior to us moving in...the windows now have curtains up at them....and the window on the left in this pic has some of the suncatchers I've made hanging on the left side of that window. I just noticed how funny our T.V. antennae looks in this pic....it looks huge, but it's not, so it just must be the angle of the dangle or the way I was holding my tongue when I took the pic! Moving here has been rather hectic, as we did it all ourselves, with the help of a few good friends. It's taken a few weeks to get the place to the stage we're at, but I'm really HAPPY to announce that I'm now back sewing....YAY.

This photo has been uploaded in the wrong order, as the description for it kind of merges with the one after the next photo....so scroll down a bit more to read where it is....but suffice to say, this is about half of the vine!

Between our front garden & the neighbour around the corners' back garden there is a huge passion fruit vine & we have been blessed with heaps of fruit on our side of the fence! But not only is it full of fruit, it has some really pretty flowers on it, which I managed to capture.

See the passion fruits peaking through the leaves? NOM NOM NOM!

OMG, fabric, fabric everywhere....I'm sure it multiplys when your back is turned....mind you, that could be a money saving thing if it did......I'm going to try and use alot of this fabric up this year.....am going to be trying to make a few quilts with it.....and I've talked one of my friends into letting me use her quilting frame and she'll show me how to quilt them.....not sure how good I'll be at it....but one can only but try hey?

Thought I'd better put another pic up of more of my fabric.....Yes yes, I know, I really need to use some up don't I? I plan on it, don't you worry.

A good friend of ours potted a couple of roses for us, and this one is doing way better than the other one...this one even flowered...I'm glad I took a pic of it, coz all the heat we had before the rain made sure it didn't last long. It smelt lovely....I tried to get everyone to have a sniff of it....guess I shouldn't have as only me and Raelene had the pleasure of smelling how nice it was. I can't wait for more flowers on it now.....I'm not sure, but I think it might be called Little Joey or something like that....will have to ask Mr Handsome (who was an absolute legend when he helped us move house just before Christmas) the next time I see or speak to him.

Just a small amount of my fabric collection.....I still haven't decided how I'm going to be sorting it, so at the moment it's just all on shelves, spread out between two rooms, but hey, it's nearly all out....so my fabric addiction isn't so bad is it? Oh ok, you win, hi everyone, I'm Naomi, and I'm addicted to fabric.....and it shows, doesn't it? lmao I've actually had to put shelving up in another room to accomodate my large collection.....some of which is in the photos above! I think there's still some in yet another room....not game enough to go searching though...not now I'm back sewing...maybe if I hurry up and use what's in the craft room, I can go on a search mission and see if there's more to replace it.

This is Scruffy at the new house.....he had a bit of female company that day.....but she's a bit camera shy, and asked that she wasn't put on my blog for everyone to see! Don't ya just love my left arm shadow in the right hand side of the photo? lol Scruffy handled the drive up here alot better than I thought he would....I thought I was going to have to fork out for Doggy Valium for him, but it all turned out well, and apart from learning how to bark off the neighbours yappers, he's settled in quite well...even comes out in the front yard with us, and touch wood, he hasn't run off yet....which reminds me, I need to go to the council to get him registered.
I haven't taken a photo of our cat, Blackie at the new house yet...but he has a fascination with jumping over the side gate and setting the neighbours yappers off at all hours of the day and night, the little booger head! He too has settled in reasonably well.....we didn't keep him inside for a couple of weeks like you're supposed to (apparently) and he hasn't run off....must know who feeds him and loves him hey?

Raelene took a pic of me yesterday....my first day back at sewing, didn't I look happy to be doing something that I enjoy immensely? And hasn't my hair gotten long? I'm soooo overdue for a cut and colour, but that'll come....all in good time my lovelies!

Just have to hand stitch the binding down on the back, and my first EVER mug rug will be complete. This is my first full project that I've made in the new place.....yesterdays sewing was just scraps to see if my sewing machine handled the move ok or not!
Hmmmm I'd done a signature for my blog and my emails, but for some reason neither are working right now....GRRRRRR I'm also not getting any emails from any of the groups I'm in, so I figure something must be up with the internet...here's hoping this post will publish or y'all will hear me scream and throw a full blown tantrum if it doesn't.
Well it's after midnight and I want to get up early as my friends' brother is bringing back our starter motor for the car early....the dang thing (starter motor) decided to play up on Wednesday, and luckily he lives in the next town over, and is an auto electrician by trade so has hopefully fixed it...not that he found anything wrong....hopefully it's not the solonoid...or else we'll be up for over $200, which is about $200 more than we've got at the moment....too close to moving!
Night night everyone/anyone reading this.
Until my siggy is all fixed up....Hugs Naomi