Friday, May 8, 2009

New Dolphin bag for Chrissy

I've just made another dolphin bag for my friend's made from two cushion panels that I ironed vlieselene stuff (lol) onto them, and then when I backed them with Calico, I kind of quilted the panels.  I made the body of the bag (badly - long story so wont bore you all with the details) out of turquoise corduroy's a super large bag so she can store a whole knitting project in it and pop her pattern and spare needles in the outer pockets.
I've put one pic up of a cd next to it (the pinky round thing in front!) so you can kind of get an idea how large the bag is.
If I were to make another one of these, I'd definately make it with uniform cushion of these was way out of whack and really peeved me, but I used it anyway...coz I'm a dag!


  1. Well done chicky....Chrissie will love it.
    Hugs Khris

  2. Well done, those killer whales look great ROFLMAO

  3. perfect for the beach this summer! really cute :)


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