Thursday, April 28, 2011

You should check this out

I know there's not a pic of it here, but I suggest you click HERE and go visit JanDee's blog and see the lovely applique quilt she made just over a year's absolutely intricate is all that applique work she did? Melissa H (Ardea's Nest fame) will love the profile pic.....a couple of puppies not too dissimilar to her own!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog for a 2nd time least this time I could respond to you via email and if you hadn't, I would've missed out seeing such a fantastic quilt.....I look forward to seeing more posts on your blog now...*smiles*


  1. Ahhh, You are right on both counts! Lovely quilt and stinking cute pups!!

  2. It is a gorgeous quilt indeed.


I love reading all your comments and will try to respond to each and every one.